Meeting of the Supervisory Board of Eesti Pank
At Tuesday’s regular meeting of the Eesti Pank Supervisory Board, Deputy Governor Ülo Kaasik presented an initial summary of the June economic forecast from the central bank. Eesti Pank will publish a new forecast on 20 June.
Governor Madis Müller also gave the Board the regular review of the state of the economy in the euro area. The Board approved its own work plan for the second half of the year and held a meeting with the head of the internal audit after the end of the Board meeting.
This was the final meeting of the Eesti Pank Supervisory Board within the term of office of Chair of the Board Mart Laar. The Riigikogu approved Urmas Varblane as the new Chair in the second half of May, and his term of office will start on 13 June and last for five years. This was also the first meeting for Anti Allas, Jaanus Karilaid, Aivar Kokk, Andres Sutt, Igor Taro and Jaak Valge as the representatives of the parliamentary parties appointed in May by the Riigikogu.
The next meeting of the Eesti Pank Supervisory Board will be on 19 September.
For further information:
Viljar Rääsk
Head of Communications
Eesti Pank
Tel: 5275 055