Working Papers of Eesti Pank 7/2014
Published in Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 52, No 4, July 2015, pages 822-839, DOI
and in ECB Working paper series, No 1732/September 2014
This paper studies euro changeover-related inflation using disaggregated price level data. The difference-in-differences approach is used and the control group for the treatment country, Estonia, is built from 12 euro area countries. The Nielsen Company disaggregated price data are employed at product, brand and shop-type level. The results indicate that while the overall inflationary effect of euro adoption was modest, the effects were significantly different across various market segments. Changeoverrelated inflation was higher for products that were relatively cheaper than the euro area average. Inflationary effects were stronger in smaller shops.
JEL Codes: D49, P46, E58
Keywords: euro, currency changeover, market concentration, consumer behaviour
Corresponding authors e-mail address: [email protected]
The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of Eesti Pank.