
Eesti Pank compiles and publishes Estonia’s national balance of payments, and collects and disclosures statistics that are necessary for it to execute its responsibilities (see § 2 and § 34 of the Eesti Pank Act). These statistics are used widely in domestic and international monetary policy analysis and in assessing financial sector stability and risks. The statistics compiled by Eesti Pank are also an input in the statistics compiled by Eurostat and the European Central Bank for the European Union and the monetary union.

Eesti Pank is the other primary agency beside Statistics Estonia that conducts official statistics in Estonia (see § 8 of the Official Statistics Act). The law sets out firm principles and quality criteria for the official statistics. The production of official statistics must comply with six internationally recognised statistics principles: professional independence, impartiality, objectivity, reliability, statistical confidentiality, and cost effectiveness. To ensure the high quality of data, the production of official statistics must comply with seven quality criteria: relevance, accuracy, timeliness, punctuality, accessibility and clarity, comparability, and coherence. These principles and criteria are in line with the statistical standards of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) in the "Public commitment on European Statistics by the ESCB".

Under the Official Statistics Act, the official statistics programme for Estonia sets out lists of statistical surveys by Statistics Estonia and Eesti Pank, which are the agencies responsible for official statistics in Estonia. A decree of the Governor of Eesti Pank confirms the list of statistical surveys that Eesti Pank is to conduct for the next five years.

The official dissemination channel for Eesti Pank statistics is the statistics section of the bank’s website. This is continuously updated with fresh data, and the release calendar announces when those data will be added. Statistics are released to users at 8.00 am on the release date, except for international reserves and foreign currency liquidity which are published at 12.00 noon.

Please acknowledge the source when using the data.