Exchange Estonian kroon banknotes and coins for euros
Estonian kroon banknotes and coins can be exchanged for euros at the Eesti Pank museum shop at the central exchange rate EUR 1 = EEK 15.6466 and with no limit of duration.
If you want to exchange more than 3,000 Estonian kroon banknotes or the value of the kroon banknotes is over 3,000 euros (50,000 kroons), please make an appointment with the sales coordinator.
The museum shop has a self-service coin machine to count Estonian kroon coins. Please take the receipt from the machine to the sales coordinator to receive your euros. The machine is unable to count the 1 kroon coins that are lighter in colour (the so-called white coins). Please take these straight to the sales coordinator to be counted manually.
Up to 3 kg of Estonian kroon coins can be inserted in the coin machine at one time. If you have more coins, please make an appointment with the sales coordinator.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +372 668 0650
Please remember to bring identification with you.
Please note: Estonian kroons cannot be exchanged by mail. Eesti Pank will not be responsible for any banknotes and coins lost in the mail. If you wish to exchange your Estonian kroons for euro cash, please visit the Eesti Pank museum in person.
Eesti Pank only exchanges Estonian kroons for euros. We do not exchange foreign currency.