STATISTICAL RELEASE. Faster growth in imports than in exports led the current account into deficit in January
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last month but one. More detailed information can be found on the Eesti Pank website under monthly balance of payments. Eesti Pank will publish the balance of payments for the first quarter of 2023 on 12 June 2023.
1 The quarterly balance of payments is compiled from a combined system of representative primary data sources, including surveys of companies, while the monthly balance of payments draws from a considerably smaller database. Although the monthly report uses as much of the data available for the month reported as possible, including administrative data sources and reports on international payments, it is subjective to a certain degree, which is why it is called an estimate. Once the quarterly balance of payments is released, the monthly balances of payments are adjusted accordingly. For more on the principles used in compiling the flash estimate, see balance of payments flash estimate.
Statistical releases are published by Eesti Pank together with statistical data. The release is independent of economic policy releases and is presented separately from them.
Additional information:
Tarass Snitsarenko
Eesti Pank Statistics Department
668 0959
[email protected]