Remuneration of Eesti Pank Executives in 2015

Remuneration of the Members of the Executive Board of Eesti Pank in 2015

 PostNameTotal in 2015Basic salary
in 2015
Total of additional
remuneration and compensation
Other [1]
1Governor of
Eesti Pank
Ardo Hansson110 354,5997 126,8513 227,74 
2Deputy Governor
of Eesti Pank
Ülo Kaasik89 704,8474 714,7412 990,102 000,00
3Deputy Governor
of Eesti Pank
Madis Müller87 920,6877 052,308 868,382 000,00

Remuneration of the Members of the Supervisory Board of Eesti Pank in 2015

 PostNameSupervisory Board
member’s compensation
Other [1]
1Chairman of the Supervisory BoardMart Laar22 116,64 
2Member of the Supervisory BoardUrmas Varblane15 797,60 
3Member of the Supervisory BoardKalev Kallo15 797,60 
4Member of the Supervisory BoardEnn Listra15 797,60 
5Member of the Supervisory BoardLiina Tõnisson15 797,60 
6Member of the Supervisory BoardJaanus Tamkivi15 797,60 
7Member of the Supervisory BoardRein Minka15 797,60 
8Member of the Supervisory BoardKaie Kerem15 797,60 

The size of compensation of the Members of the Supervisory Board of Eesti Pank is established by the Salaries of Higher State Servants Act.
[1] Eesti Pank supports its employees’ investments in the voluntary pension system by compensating 1/3 of their contributions but not more than 5% of their gross salary.