Submission of reports by email or through the web service

Reports can also be submitted to the data submission portal by email or using the web service. To do this, it is essential to know which domain the report(s) need to be submitted to.

The domains in the data submission portal and the emails, web service addresses and keys for securing report messages are:

DomainEmail addressWeb service addressPublic keys

Financial sector statistics

[email protected]

Eesti Pank: aruandlus


External sector statistics

[email protected]

Eesti Pank: aruandlusAKP-statistika-04102025.pgp

Supervisory reporting

[email protected]

Finantsinspektsioon: aruandlus

AKP-jarelevalve_2023 ([email protected]).pgp

Supervisory transaction reporting

[email protected]

Finantsinspektsioon: aruandlus

AKP-tehinguaruandlus_2023 ([email protected]).pgp

XML schemas for the reports can be found at:

The report message must be secured when email or the web service are used to submit reports. When email is used, the report message must be encrypted and digitally signed. With the web service the report message need only be digitally signed (it can also be encrypted, but this is not obligatory). Information on accepted ways of securing report messages can be found under the heading "Security of data exchange".

Guideline for using the web service