
STATISTICAL RELEASE. Exports and imports of goods and services were almost in balance in December
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last month but...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. The current account surplus in November was smaller than that in October
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last month but...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. Trade in goods grew faster than that in services in October
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last month but...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. Exports and imports of goods and services were in balance in September
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last month but...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. The current account deficit was smaller in August than a year ago
Statistical releases are published by Eesti Pank together with statistical data. The release is...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. The deficit on the goods account narrowed in July but the surplus in services widened
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last month but...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. The current account was close to balance in June
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last month but...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. A fall in goods imports left the current account in surplus in May
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last month but...
STATISTICAL RELASE. The external economic activity of Estonia increased in April
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last month but...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. Exports and imports of goods and services were in balance in March
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last month but...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. The current account deficit remained wide in February
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last month but...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. Exports and imports of goods and services were still in balance in December
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last month but...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. Exports and imports of goods and services were in balance in November
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last month but...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. Turnover was down on both the goods and services accounts in October
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last month but...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. The current account deficit in September was smaller than in the two previous months
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last month but...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. The current account deficit remained wide in August
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last month but...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. The current account deficit widened in July
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last month but...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. The external economic activity of Estonia fell in June
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last month but...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. The trade balance fell in May, while services were at the same level as a year ago
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last month but...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. Imports of goods and services were down in April
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last month but...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. The surplus in services exceeded the deficit in goods in February
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last month but...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. Faster growth in imports than in exports led the current account into deficit in January
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last month but...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. Slower growth in exports in November pushed the current account into deficit
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last month but...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. Imports of both goods and services grew faster in October than exports did
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last month but...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. The surplus in services covered the deficit in goods in September
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. The current account was in balance in August
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last month but...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. Imports of goods grew faster than exports in July
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last month but...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. The current account for June was close to balance
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. The exports and imports of goods and services were balanced in May
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last month but...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. Rapid growth in imports of goods led the current account into deficit in April
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last month but...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. The turnover of goods and services was the largest ever in March
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last month but...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. The current account deficit in February was caused by increasing imports of goods and services
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last month but...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. Faster growth in imports than in exports led the current account into deficit in January
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last month but...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. The current account deficit was affected in November by increasing goods imports
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. Major growth in imports of goods and services pushed the current account into deficit in October
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. The completion of the reorganisation of the second pension pillar reduced the foreign assets of credit institutions in September
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. The balance of payments was affected most in August by the preparations of second pillar pension funds for withdrawals
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last...
STATISTICAL RELEASE. Imports of goods grew faster than exports in July
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last...
STATISTICAL RELEASE: Large-scale services imports stepped up the current account deficit in June
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last...
Faster growth in imports than in exports led the current account into deficit in May
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last...
Exports and imports of both goods and services were up substantially in April
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last...
Estonia was highly active in foreign markets in March
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last...
Growth in imports of goods led the current account in February into deficit
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last...
Exports of both goods and services fell in January
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last...
Foreign investment in software development for car production increased imports of computer services in December and through that increased the current account deficit
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last...
Large imports of services in November pushed the current account into deficit
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last...
Goods exports in October increased the current account surplus
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last...
Goods exports started to grow in September while services continue to perform poorly
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last...
The decline in exports and imports in August was similar to those in the other summer months
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last...
The fall in exports and imports in July was the smallest of recent months
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last...
Bond transactions set the tone for the balance of payments in June
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last...
The turnover of goods and services was sharply lower in May than a year earlier
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the...
The emergency situation in April reduced exports and imports of services sharply
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last...
Exports and imports of services were a fifth smaller in March than a year previously
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last...
Trade in goods declined in February, while exports and imports of services increased
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last...
Imports of goods shrank faster than exports in January
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last...
The current account was in deficit in December
Eesti Pank publishes the flash estimate of the balance of payments monthly for the last...
Both exports and imports of services increased in November
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 93 million euros in surplus in November...
The current account was almost in balance in October
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 6 million euros in surplus in October 2019....
Imports of goods and services grew faster in September than exports did
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 6 million euros in surplus in September...
The surplus on the current account in July about the same as a year ago
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 13 million euros in suplus in July 2019. The...
Transactions on the financial account set the tone for the balance of payments in June
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 41 million euros in surplus in June 2019....
The surplus on the current account in May was the largest this year
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 108 million euros in surplus in May 2019....
April was a good month for exports of both goods and services
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 33 million euros in surplus in April 2019....
The current account was in deficit in March
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 45 million euros in deficit in March 2019....
Transactions on the financial account set the tone for the balance of payments in January
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 24 million euros in surplus in January 2019....
The current account was slightly in deficit in December
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 13 million euros in deficit in December...
Trade with the rest of the world was strong in November
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 114 million euros in surplus in November...
The surplus on the current account in October was the largest this year
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 65 million euros in surplus in October 2018....
The current account surplus was smaller in September than a year ago
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 68 million euros in surplus in September...
The surplus on the goods and services account in August was the largest this year
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 43 million euros in surplus in August 2018....
The turnover of goods and services grew strongly in July
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 11 million euros in surplus in July 2018....
The current account returned to surplus in April 2018
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 28 million euros in surplus in April 2018....
The current account was in deficit in March 2018
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 32 million euros in deficit in March 2018....
The current account surplus was smaller in February than a year ago
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 18 million euros in surplus in February...
The current account was close to balance in January 2018
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at only two million euros in deficit in January...
Transactions on the financial account set the tone for the balance of payments in December 2017
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 43 million euros in surplus in December...
The current account surplus was boosted by services in November 2017
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 53 million euros in surplus in November...
Estonia's activity in foreign markets remained large in October 2017
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 33 million euros in surplus in October 2017....
Transactions on the financial account set the tone for the balance of payments in September
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 76 million euros in surplus in September...
Exports of both goods and services increased in July
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 49 million euros in surplus in July 2017....
Exports of both goods and services increased in May 2017
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 42 million euros in surplus in May 2017. The...
The current account was close to balance in April 2017
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 9 million euros in deficit in April 2017....
Estonia's activity in foreign markets increased in March 2017
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 37 million euros in deficit in March 2017....
The current account was in surplus again in February 2017
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 49 million euros in surplus in February...
One-off transactions pulled the current account into deficit in January 2017
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 251 million euros in deficit in January...
Exports of both goods and services increased in December 2016
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 65 million euros in surplus in December...
The current account surplus was twice as large in November 2016 as a year earlier
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 76 million euros in surplus in November...
The current account surplus in October was the same size as a year ago
The flash estimate[1] put the Estonian current account at 37 million euros in surplus in October...
The surplus on the current account of the Estonian balance of payments reached a record level in the third quarter
The current account surplus was 289 million euros in the third quarter of 2016, or 5.5% of GDP,...
The current account was affected most in September by a sharp rise in goods exports
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 81 million euros in surplus in September...
The surplus on the current account in August was the largest this year
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 98 million euros in surplus in August 2016....
The current account surplus was smaller in July than a year ago
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 45 million euros in surplus in July 2016....
The current account surplus in June was bigger than a year ago
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 86 million euros in surplus in June 2016....
Estonia's activity in foreign markets declined in May for the second consecutive month
The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 52 million euros in surplus in May 2015....