Reporting by financial vehicle corporations (FVC) engaged in securitisation transactions

Eesti Pank as the compiler of official statistics collects data so that it can receive and publish the monetary, financial and balance of payments statistics that are needed for it to carry out its tasks under the Official Statistics Act, as detailed in section 34 of the Bank of Estonia (Eesti Pank) Act and section 8 of the Official Statistics Act. The information collected through the reports allows Eesti Pank to meet the requirements of the European Central Bank, Eurostat and the International Monetary Fund, and to provide valuable data for both foreign and domestic data users in their analysis of the economy.

The reporting obligation for FVCs and the content of the reports is set out in Regulation (EU) No 1075/2013 of the European Central Bank of 18 October 2013, concerning statistics on the assets and liabilities of financial vehicle corporations engaged in securitisation transactions (recast) (ECB/2013/40).

Reports submitted to Eesti Pank

Depending on the originator of the securitised loan, the FVC submits the following reports to Eesti Pank:

ReportReport codePeriodicityDeadline
a) If the FVC securitises loans that are issued by an MFI in the euro area:
   1)  Balance sheet of the FVC
        (originator is an MFI in the euro area)
8991quarter15th business day
   2)  Report on debt securities issued8993quarter15th business day
b)  If the FVC securitises loans that are not issued by an MFI in the euro area:
   1)  Balance sheet of the FVC
        (originator is not an MFI in the euro area)
8992quarter15th business day
   2)  Report on debt securities issued8993quarter15th business day


Submission of reports

Reports are submitted to Eesti Pank in accordance with Decree no 4 of the Governor of Eesti Pank of 29 May 2018 Requirements for the electronic submission of reports.

Please note that when reports are submitted by email or through the web service, it is important to know that they are being submitted for financial sector statistics domain. Detailed instructions for sending reports by email or through the web service can be found here

If any technical questions arise during the submission of the reports, please contact the IT specialist of the Statistics Department of Eesti Pank, Peeter Liik (email [email protected]; phone +372 668 0976).