
Eesti Pank is amending the requirements for banks regulating the issuing of new housing loans
In April, Eesti Pank is going to amend the requirements that regulate the calculations made by...
Eesti Pank is requiring banks to hold larger capital buffers because of the rapid growth in credit
Eesti Pank is raising the countercyclical capital buffer rate for the banks from 1% to 1.5%, as the...
Eesti Pank has updated the principles for defining banks as systemically important
As part of its macroprudential framework Eesti Pank defines each year which banks are important for...
Eesti Pank is cutting the capital buffer requirements for the banks by 110 million euros
Eesti Pank is reducing the systemic risk buffer for the commercial banks from 1% to 0%. This will...
The new regime for income taxation for the banks could pose a threat to financial stability
Overall the risks to financial stability are small. The risks are mitigated by the rising incomes...
The new bank formed from the merger of Nordea and DNB could strengthen competition in retail banking in Estonia
The newly created bank will increase the volume of assets in the Estonian banking sector by...
Eesti Pank specified its macroprudential policy principles
Changes to the Eesti Pank Act came into force on 19 May 2014 giving the central bank a clearer...
Eesti Pank has set three requirements for issuing housing loans
Three requirements for commercial banks issuing housing loans start to apply from this week. They...


Countercyclical capital buffer
The countercyclical capital buffer is intended to protect the banking sector against losses that...
Macroprudential policy tools
The macroprudential tools available to Eesti Pank can be divided into three groups. Moral...
Other systemically important institutions buffer
The aim of the other systemically important institutions buffer is to increase the resilience of...
Systemic risk buffer
The aim of the systemic risk buffer is to avoid or minimise systemic risks that could have a serious...
Risk weight floor for mortgage loans
Banks that have adopted the Internal Ratings Based (IRB) approach must use a risk weight of at least...
Macroprudential policy
Macroprudential policy covers systemic risk analysis and assessment, and the deployment of measures...
Requirements for housing loans
The requirements regulating the issuing of housing loans are intended to strengthen the resilience...


7/2015 Manuel Buchholz. How effective is macroprudential policy during financial downturns? Evidence from caps on banks leverage