- 27.01.2025
- STATISTICAL RELEASE. People in Estonia withdrew a little more cash than a year earlier, and in larger amounts
Eesti Pank publishes payment statistics every month. Once per quarter a separate statistical release... - 24.10.2024
- STATISTICAL RELEASE. Card payments abroad by residents of Estonia increased over the year by around 5%
Eesti Pank publishes payment statistics every month. Once per quarter a separate statistical release... - 24.07.2024
- STATISTICAL RELEASE. People in Estonia are increasingly using contactless payments
Eesti Pank publishes payment statistics every month. Once per quarter a separate statistical release... - 25.04.2024
- STATISTICAL RELEASE. There was no notable change over the year in the turnover of card payments abroad by residents of Estonia
Eesti Pank publishes payment statistics every month. Once per quarter a separate statistical release... - 25.07.2023
- STATISTICAL RELEASE. The turnover of domestic card transactions by residents of Estonia was a little higher than a year earlier, but the turnover abroad was smaller
Eesti Pank publishes payment statistics every month. Once per quarter a separate statistical release... - 26.04.2023
- One in six card payments is made using a smartphone or smartwatch
Residents of Estonia mainly use the two million bankcards that have been issued by banks in Estonia... - 26.04.2023
- STATISTICAL RELEASE. Cash was withdrawn less often and in smaller amounts than in the previous quarter
Eesti Pank publishes payment statistics every month. Once per quarter a separate statistical release... - 25.01.2023
- STATISTICAL RELEASE. People in Estonia made purchases of around 2.5 billion euros with bankcards in the final quarter of last year
Eesti Pank publishes payment statistics every month. Once per quarter a separate statistical release... - 26.10.2022
- STATISTICAL RELEASE. One third more transactions were made abroad with Estonian bankcards than a year earlier
Eesti Pank publishes payment statistics every month. Once per quarter a separate statistical release... - 26.01.2022
- STATISTICAL RELEASE. The turnover of cross-border payments increased substantially in the fourth quarter
The payment statistics for January 2022 will be published on 25 February 2022 at 08.00.... - 26.10.2021
- STATISTICAL RELEASE. The turnover of payments in the third quarter was similar to that in the previous quarter
The payment statistics for October 2021 will be published on 24 November 2021 at 08.00.... - 26.07.2021
- STATISTICAL RELEASE. The turnover of payments continued to grow strongly in the second quarter
The payment statistics for July 2021 will be published on 26 August 2021 at 08.00.... - 26.04.2021
- The turnover of payments increased in the first quarter of 2021 as the turnover of card payments in points of sale fell
The payment statistics for April 2021 will be published on 24 May 2021 at 08.00. See... - 22.10.2020
- The turnover of domestic payments in the third quarter was the lowest for two years
The payment statistics for October 2020 will be published on 23 November 2020 at 08.00.... - 21.07.2020
- The volume of domestic payments remained the same in the second quarter, while that of cross-border payments increased
The payment statistics for July 2020 will be published on 24 August 2020 at 08.00. See... - 27.04.2020
- The number and turnover of cash withdrawals and card transactions were down in the first quarter but the average amount withdrawn increased
The payment statistics for April 2020 will be published on 25 May 2020 at 08.00. See...
- 27.01.2025
- STATISTICAL RELEASE. Payment statistics Q4 2024
- 24.07.2024
- STATISTICAL RELEASE. Payment statistics Q2 2024
- 25.04.2024
- STATISTICAL RELEASE. Payment statistics Q1 2024
- 24.01.2024
- STATISTICAL RELEASE. Payment statistics Q4 2023
- 24.10.2023
- STATISTICAL RELEASE. Payment statistics Q3 2023
- 25.01.2023
- STATISTICAL RELEASE. Payment statistics Q4 2022
- 26.10.2022
- STATISTICAL RELEASE. Payment statistics Q3 2022
- 26.07.2022
- STATISTICAL RELEASE. Payment statistics Q2 2022
- 26.04.2022
- STATISTICAL RELEASE. Payment statistics Q1 2022
- 26.01.2022
- STATISTICAL RELEASE. Payment statistics Q4 2021
- 26.10.2021
- STATISTICAL RELEASE: Payment statistics Q3 2021
- 26.07.2021
- STATISTICAL RELEASE: Payment statistics Q2 2021