Nicolas Reigl CV
E-post: [email protected]
Rahvusvaheline makroökonoomika
2022 — PhD, Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Eesti
2013−2015 — MSc, Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Eesti
Alates 2015 — Ökonomist, rahapoliitika ja majandusuuringute osakond, Eesti Pank, Eesti
2010−2013 — Konsultant, Ecovis-Austria, Austria
2009−2010 —Analüütik, Deloitte Austria, Austria
Valik publikatsioone:
Noise shocks and business cycle fluctuations in three major European Economies, 2022, autor Nicolas Reigl. Empirical Economics.
Alternative frameworks for measuring credit gaps and setting countercyclical capital buffers, 2021, autorid Nicolas Reigl ja Lenno Uusküla. Journal of Financial Economic Policy.
The evolution and heterogeneity of credit procyclicality in Central and Eastern Europe, 2020, autorid Juan Carlos Cuestas, Yannick Lucotte ja Nicolas Reigl. International Journal of Finance & Economics.
Negative interest rates in the five Eurozone countries from Central and Eastern Europe, 2020, autorid Nicolas Reigl ja Karsten Staehr. CESifo Forum, Vol 21 (1), lk 24−30.
Banking sector concentration, competition and financial stability: the case of the Baltic countries, 2019, autorid Juan Carlos Cuestas Olivares, Yannick Lucotte ja Nicolas Reigl. Post-Communist Economies, Vol 32:2, lk 215-249.
- The evolution and heterogeneity of credit procyclicality in Central and Eastern Europe, 2019, autorid Juan Carlos Cuestas Olivares, Yannick Lucotte ja Nicolas Reigl. Working Papers of Eesti Pank, No 3/2019.
- Inflation Expectations in Phillips Curve Models for the Euro Area, 2019, autorid Dmitry Kulikov ja Nicolas Reigl. Working Papers of Eesti Pank, No 8/2019.
- Banking sector concentration, competition and financial stability: the case of the Baltic countries, 2017, autorid Juan Carlos Cuestas, Yannick Lucotte ja Nicolas Reigl. Working Papers of Eesti Pank, No 7/2017.
- Forecasting the Estonian rate of inflation using factor models, 2016, autor Nicolas Reigl. Baltic Journal of Economics, Vol 17, Issue 2, lk 152–189.