Jaanika Meriküll CV
E-post: [email protected]
Majapidamiste finantskäitumine
Mikroandmete analüüs
2012 — järeldoktori õpingud, SSEES (School of Slavonic and Eastern European Studies), University College London, Suurbritannia
2009 — Ph.D. majandusteaduses, Tartu Ülikool
2003 — MA majandusteaduses, Tartu Ülikool
2000—2001 — Külalistudeng, Universität Kiel, Saksamaa
2000 — BA rahvamajanduses, Tartu Ülikool
Eesti Pank, majandusuuringute osakond, ökonomist alates 2010. aastast
Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies, külalisuurija 2015. aastal
Tartu Ülikooli majandusteaduskond, kaasprofessor/vanemteadur alates 2014. aastast (koormus 0,25)
Maastrichti Ülikool, Holland, külalisuurija 2006. aastal
Tartu Ülikooli majandusteaduskond, lektor/õpetaja (ökonomeetria, statistika, makroökonoomika) aastatel 1998—2009
Valik publikatsioone:
Artiklid eelretsenseeritud teadusajakirjades
- Were jobs saved at the cost of productivity in the COVID-19 crisis?, 2024, autorid Jaanika Meriküll ja Alari Paulus. European Economic Review, Vol 161, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.euroecorev.2023.104618
- The impact of the Covid-19 job retention support on employment, 2023, autorid Jaanika Meriküll ja Alari Paulus. Economics Letters, Vol 222, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econlet.2022.110963
- The gap that survived the transition: The gender wage gap over three decades in Estonia, 2023, autorid Jaanika Meriküll ja Maryna Tverdostup. Economic Systems, Vol 47, Issue 3, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecosys.2023.101127
- The gender wealth gap in Europe: Application of machine learning to predict individual-level wealth, 2022, autorid Merike Kukk, Jaanika Meriküll ja Tairi Rõõm. The Review of Income and Wealth, https://doi.org/10.1111/roiw.12596.
- Are survey data underestimating the inequality of wealth?, 2022, autorid Jaanika Meriküll ja Tairi Rõõm. Empirical Economics, Vol 62, lk 339-374.
- The role of firms in the gender wage gap, 2022, autorid Jaan Masso, Jaanika Meriküll ja Priit Vahter. Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol 50 (2), lk 454-473.
- What explains the gender gap in wealth? Evidence from administrative data, 2021, autorid Jaanika Meriküll, Merike Kukk ja Tairi Rõõm. Review of Economics of the Household, Vol 19, lk 501-547.
- The Effect of the Single Currency on Exports: Comparative Firm-Level Evidence, 2021, autorid Tibor Lalinsky ja Jaanika Meriküll. International Journal of Central Banking, September issue, lk 203-239.
- Stress tests of the household sector using microdata from survey and administrative sources, 2020, autorid Jaanika Meriküll ja Tairi Rõõm. International Journal of Central Banking, March 2020, lk 203-248.
- Credit Constraints and R&D over the Boom and Bust: Firm-Level Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe, 2020, autorid Kadri Männasoo ja Jaanika Meriküll. Economic Systems, Vol 44(2), lk 1-14.
- Patterns of Organisational Innovation: Comparison of Western and Eastern Countries in Europe, 2019, autorid Karin Sakowski, Maaja Vadi ja Jaanika Meriküll. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, Vol 32, Issue 2, lk 270-290.
- Minimum wages and the wage distribution in Estonia, 2018, autorid Simona Ferraro, Jaanika Meriküll ja Karsten Staehr. Applied Economics, Vol 50(49), lk 5253-5268.
- Export characteristics and output volatility: comparative firm-level evidence for CEE countries, 2016, autorid Urška Čede, Bogdan Chiriacescu, Péter Harasztosi, Tibor Lalinsky ja Jaanika Meriküll. Review of World Economics, Vol 154 (2), lk 347−376.
- Do you get what you ask? The gender gap in desired and realised wages, 2017, autorid Jaanika Meriküll ja Pille Mõtsmees. International Journal of Manpower, Vol 38 (6), lk 893−908.
- Household borrowing during a creditless recovery, 2015, autor Jaanika Meriküll. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Vol 51(5), lk 1051-1068.
- One currency, one price? Euro changeover-related inflation in Estonia, 2015, autorid Jaanika Meriküll ja Tairi Rõõm. Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol 53(4), lk 822-839.
- Formalisation of organisational structure as a subject of path dependency: an example from Central and Eastern Europe, 2015, autorid Karin Sakowski, Maaja Vadi ja Jaanika Meriküll. Post-Communist Economies, Vol 27(1), lk 76-90.
- R&D, Credit Constraints and Demand Fluctuations: Comparative Micro Evidence from 10 New EU Members, 2014, autorid Kadri Männasoo ja Jaanika Meriküll. Eastern European Economics, Vol 52(2), lk 49-64.
- Shift from gross profit taxation to distributed profit taxation: are there effects on firms?, 2013, autorid Jaan Masso, Jaanika Meriküll ja Priit Vahter. Journal of Comparative Economics, No 41(4).
- International Technology Diffusion: The Case of Central and Eastern European Countries, 2013, autorid Jaanika Meriküll, Helen Poltimäe ja Tiiu Paas. Eastern European Economics, No 51(2).
- Power without manpower: Forecasting labour demand for Estonian energy sector, 2012, autorid Jaanika Meriküll, Raul Eamets, Katrin Humal ja Kerli Espenberg. Energy Policy, No 49.
- Macroeconomic effects of zero corporate income tax on retained earnings, 2011, autorid Jaan Masso ja Jaanika Meriküll. Baltic Journal of Economics, Vol 9, No 2.
- The impact of innovation on employment: firm- and industry-level evidence from a catching-up economy, 2010, autor Jaanika Meriküll. Eastern European Economics, Vol 48, No 2.
- Unreported employment and envelope wages in mid-transition: Comparing developments and causes in the Baltic countries, 2010, autorid Jaanika Meriküll ja Karsten Staehr. Comparative Economic Studies, Vol 52(4).
- Occupational structures across 25 EU countries: the importance of industry structure and technology in old and new EU countries, 2007, autorid Frank Cörvers ja Jaanika Meriküll. Economic Change and Restructuring, Vol 40, No 4.
Publikatsioonid kogumikes
- Labor Market Transitions During the Great Recession in Estonia, 2016, autor Jaanika Meriküll. Kogumikus Labor Migration, EU Enlargement, and the Great Recession (toim. Martin Kahanec ja Klaus F. Zimmermann). Springer.
- Perceptions of unreported economic activities in Baltic firms. Individualistic and non-individualistic motives, 2013, autorid Jaanika Meriküll, Tairi Rõõm ja Karsten Staehr. Kogumikus (Dis)honesty in Management: Manifestations and Consequences, toimetajad Maaja Vadi ja Tiia Vissak. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
- Productivity-enhancing reallocation during the Covid-19 pandemic, 2024, autorid Tibor Lalinsky, Jaanika Meriküll ja Paloma Lopez-Garcia. ECB Working Paper Series, No 2947.
- The transmission of trade shocks across countries: firm-level evidence from the Covid-19 crisis, 2024, autorid Konstantins Benkovskis, Jaanika Meriküll ja Aurelija Proškute. Eesti Panga Toimetised, nr 1/2024.
- What explains wealth inequality in Estonia? The role of wealth components, household size and region, 2023, autorid Jaanika Meriküll ja Tairi Rõõm. Occasional Papers of Eesti Pank, No 2/2023.
- Estonian Household Finance and Consumption Survey: Results from the 2017 wave, 2019, autorid Jaanika Meriküll ja Tairi Rõõm. Occasional Papers of Eesti Pank, No 1/2019.
- The assets, liabilities and wealth of Estonian households: Results of the Household Finance and Consumption Survey, 2016, autorid Jaanika Meriküll ja Tairi Rõõm. Occasional Papers of Eesti Pank, No 1/2016.
- Assessing European firms´ exports and productivity distribution: the CompNet trade module, 2015, autorid Antoine Berthou, Emmanuel Dhyne, Matteo Bugamelli, Ana-Maria Cazacu, Calin-Vlad Demian, Peter Harasztosi, Tibor Lalinsky, Jaanika Meriküll, Filippo Oropallo ja Ana Cristina Soares. ECB Working Paper, No. 1788.
- Are Foreign-Owned Firms Different? Comparison of Employment Volatility and Elasticity of Labour Demand, 2014, autorid Jaanika Meriküll ja Tairi Rõõm. ECB Working Paper, No 1704.
- Micro-based evidence of EU competitiveness: The CompNet database, 2014, autorid Lopez-Garcia, P.; Di Mauro, F.; Benatti, N.; Angeloni, C.; Altomonte, C.; Bugamelli, M.; D'Aurizio, L.; Barba Navaretti, G.; Forlani, E.; Rossetti, S.; Zurlo, D.; Berthou, A.; Sandoz-Dit-Bragard, C.; Dhyne, E.; Amador, J.; Opromolla, L., D.; Soares, A., C.; Chiriacescu, B.; Cazacu, A.-M.; Lalinsky, T.; Biewen, E.; Blank, S.; Meinen, P.; Hagemejer, J.; Tello, P.; Rodríguez-Caloca, A.; Čede, U.; Galuscak, K.; Meriküll, J. ja Harasztosi, P. ECB Working Paper, No 1634.
Baltic Journal of Economics
Economic Modelling
Economic Systems
British Journal of Sociology
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade
Journal of Common Market Studies
Oxford Development Review