Eesti Panga ja IMFi pensioniteemalise seminari ülevaade
Eesti Pangas toimus 30. septembril keskpanga ja Rahvusvahelise Valuutafondi koostöös pensioniteemaline seminar. Seminaril esinesid pensionieksperdid, kes jagasid Poola, Ungari ja Rootsi kogemusi ning võrdlesid pensionisüsteemide arengut eri riikides. Samuti said sõna Eesti ametkondade esindajad ning pensionisüsteemi kujundajad. Seminari raames toimus ka avatud debatt, kus oma seisukohad pensionisüsteemi kavandatavate ümberkorralduste kohta esitasid Ardo Hansson, Andres Viisemann, Indrek Neivelt ja väliseksperdid.
Seminari lühikokkuvõtte ning ettekanded leiate allolevatelt linkidelt:
Opening remarks; I session
Madis Müller, Governor of the Bank of Estonia
Cheikh Anta Gueye, Mission Chief, International Monetary Fund
Estonia’s Experience with Systemic Pension Reform: Objectives, Results, Issues
Moderator: Agnieszka Chłoń-Domińczak, Director of the Institute of Statistics and Demography, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, former Deputy Minister of Labor, former Vice-President of the European Council’s Social Protection Committee
The Estonian Pension System: Objectives, Challenges
Speaker: Sten Andreas Ehrlich, Deputy Secretary General, Ministry of Social Affairs
Regulations and Performance of the 2nd Pillar
The Regulator’s Perspective:
Speaker: Märten Ross, Deputy Secretary General, Ministry of Finance
The Industry Perspective
Speaker: Kristjan Tamla, CEO, Swedbank Investment Funds
Concerns and Reform Proposals
Speaker: Martin Helme, Minister of Finance
How Funded Pension Schemes Can Better Serve Future Retirees
Moderator: Ülo Kaasik, Deputy Governor of the Bank of Estonia
Introduction: The Pitfalls of Funded Reforms and their Reversals
Speaker: Csaba Feher, Senior Economist in the Fiscal Affairs Department of the International Monetary Fund
Reform Reversals in Poland and Hungary: Causes, Implementation and Consequences
Speaker: Agnieszka Chłoń-Domińczak, Director of the Institute of Statistics and Demography, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, former Deputy Minister of Labor, former Vice-President of the European Council’s Social Protection Committee
The Questions That Stay With Us: Regulatory Issues to Consider Going Forward
Speaker: Peter Holtzer, CEO, Oriens Investment Management, former Chairman of the Pension Policy Roundtable, former president and CEO of OTP Asset Management
Emerging Best Practice: Governance, Management, Investment and Fees
Speaker: Dariusz Stańko, Senior Private Pension Expert, OECD
Emerging Best Practice: Sweden’s Experience with 2nd Pillar Pensions
Speaker: Ole Settergren, Director of the Research Department of the Swedish Pension Agency, member of the board of the Second National Pension Fund, former secretary general of the commission to unify public pension administration
III SESSION: Panel discussion; closing remarks
Options for Estonia: Paradigmatic, Policy and Regulatory Reform Alternatives
Moderator: Csaba Feher, Senior Economist in the Fiscal Affairs Department of the International Monetary Fund
Results from the Morning: Summary of Issues and Policy Responses
Speaker: Dariusz Stańko, Senior Private Pension Expert, OECD
The Way Forward: Options for Reforms
Ardo Hansson, Former Governor of the Bank of Estonia
Andres Viisemann, Member of the Supervisory Board, LHV
Indrek Neivelt, Independent Expert
International Experts
Q&A With the Expert Panel
Closing Remarks: Conclusion and Next Steps
Cheikh Anta Gueye, Mission Chief, International Monetary Fund
Madis Müller, Governor of the Bank of Estonia